Baby Scribbles and Teenage Spiritualist! (and SQUEAKY!)
I'm Baby Scribbles, coming to you from the 50 cent mini merry-go-rounds of Virginia (that was actually from a cross-country road trip we just recently did from New York to California!).
... and I'm calling my friend Jana "Teenage Spiritualist" because I am pretty much 100% sure she is the second coming of Kurt Cobain in a female Canadian body. This video is called: "teenage spiritualist is a lady now, i hope ur ok with that cuz that's what's happening right here."
AND meet Ja$on Yo$t. His tattoo on his chest says "SQEAKY" because he got drunk one night and let another drunk tattoo him at someone's apartment and they spelled SQUEAKY wrong! In this video he is sporting some retarded stripper heels. Retarded AWESOME that is! :P