I'm fine being a single as long as I look like they do in Singles!
I decided to make an outfit inspired by these three frames from the movie "Singles". This outfit from the movie was accompanied by no top... because it was a guy's outfit in the movie... but I'm femming it up and putting on a really tight pink/nude tee... so I hope that's okay with you! lol.
I found some things that would work - but girlier! (is there such thing as girly grunge?).....
put it together and what have u got... bippiddee boppiddeee booooo!!!!! (the velvet leggings are B.W.C.B, the socks are...dirty... the white thing is a 1920's skirt that is tattered and continues to get more and more tattered everytime i wear it... and step on it... constantly... with my stilletos! haha!!)