Coachella heaven.
Some moments from my Coachella trip this year... me and 6 of my friends rode in a hippie van across the entire country, and ended up in this euphoric sound heaven where I literally felt happiest just laying on the grass and closing my eyes, knowing that at that moment I was safe - I didn't have a single care in the world. And by the way... these daisy dukes... they got me into the festival for FREE! Yes, I had no wristband and walked right through and the man said "come back!" and I did and he said "those shorts look nice on you, have a good day". I kid you not! haha!
I have no idea who this girl is in the black and white dress... I think she thought we wanted her in our picture? lol.

Why does Coachella feel like a dream? Why was it so easy to rest and sleep and be completely in bliss surrounded by the music of my friends?
Tantric tradition calls rhythm the sound power or the heartbeat... of the absolute.
What is the absolute? Indulge in learning something really interesting today:
I love philosophy and probably think way too much... but I'm a writer. I observe and I write things down... so that one day, when none of you remember what happened, I'll be here to retell it all... and it will sound like dances with the Gods... it will be perfection... as if it was all a myth.