day five facebook free...ya ya!
Believe it or not, I consider this a big deal!
On the fifth day off facebook, my new life gave to me... an amazing employee, Kelly! Ha ha. Kelly K. worked in here today so that I could go ride my bike around Brooklyn and chill in the park... and get some sun... cuz I get called snow white a lot when I walk down the street. I used to think that only happened in foreign asian countries, like when I went to Thailand when I was 18. Apparently not!
Today in the life of a facebook-free individual, I found that Brooklyn is installing sandboxes on the sidewalks? LOL. Amazing. I'll bring my bucket and spade next time? Hm....

I also realized... the Williamsburg bridge is pink apparently? Wow! Are they customizing the city for me now? Sandboxes and pink bridges? Amazing.
My new favorite place to vacay is a tree in the park at 13th and Bedford... McCarren? I doubt I spelled that right.
I like my shorts apparently enough to show you them...
...meanwhile.... back at the Bat Cave... missy was making the store look BEAUTIFUL! She made it feel so much more summery and colorful! And she says she had the most romantic time with herself today working in the store... she was inspired to keep playing with things and couldn't stop. Thank you! It looks so good!
It looks like candy!!! That's how we like it here. Yay us, we rule!