end of day three off of facebook... phew. life's ruff man!
That's not me, that's anita ekberg, in case you got confused for a second. (i get it all the time, it's ok... jk... sort of... ok i got it once!)
Sooo... three and a half days without facebook. I am on a facebook detox/fast. I'm passing my time right now by going through all my old notebooks and typing up anything seemingly useful or interesting. I found some stuff that brought me back to one of my favorite movies of all time, La Dolce Vita. This film is a consistent source of imagery on my dream board for my perfect future, ha. I will talk about this film and reference it all the time if you ever know me well enough to have more than one conversation with me. Ya, I pretty much am constantly referring back to this movie!
here's the notes I found about La Dolce from a notebook I had written in 2008...I'm quite impressed... I totally forgot that I still thought about things back then... so weird:
In the practical world people do what they have to do to get on with their lives, but these people who are in a much more abstract universe aren’t in that position. They don’t have quite that kind of energy or the needs that people in a slightly lower level of society have. These people derive their energy from the people they encounter. You can tell the difference between the lower society peoples' attitudes and their attitudes. The people living in the towns that they pass through want to know about things while they really don’t want to know about things. It interferes with their drift, their sort of vague sense of superiority.
Mastriani's character... in the movie...he fancies himself as a more serious writer than writing items for trashy papers but he doesn’t quite have the energy or the commitment to do anything more than kind of wistfully suggest that he is superior to the way that he makes his living.
Men please take note here: Male movie stars have always been a reluctant lover. Guys who are too eager for the girl have never been very attractive to women. Mastriani (Marcello) was among the most reluctant lovers you ever saw. He played the elusive male better than anyone.
I have to say, whatever I wrote in 2008 is proven extremely relevant in all of my experiences since writing that... and therefore, yay me for having once again gained a strange foresight through the process of seeing the world and figuring out the world through the joy and pleasure of watching movies!
(ok it appears i have no life but I also excavated from my old notebooks an old screenplay I'd written, and it's actually really funny... so...shut up cuz I'm going to be famous bitch!)