i was hangin' out with Miley tonight... yes, I'm cool like that...
oh gosh, i'm so embarrassed to admit that i have famous friends, but anyways... this IS my life and it's crraaaayzzzaaay! Some people ask what she's like and I say "oh, she's just bein' Miley".
...ok I found her in the trash outside a costume store... my friend Jason LOVES Miley... I mean, his dog is even named after her! So we grabbed her! Oh but get this, there was not just one, but actually TWO Miley's that had been thrown away! So now I have my own Miley for my store, and Jason has a Miley to guest Dj with him at the Skinny! haha. I think she could also rack up quite a few free drinks from sleazy men if we just sat her by the bar all night... aaahahaha. Ok you know what? When everyone else is off vacationing out of town, we gotta grab every last bit of excitement we can find and squeeze it to the last drop! ;)

She definitely gives new meaning to the name... "The Skinny"

Sloppy, Miley, very sloppy! (well she didn't eat anything all day so...)
ahhh... biffles forever. I really can't believe sometimes, how wonderful my friends are. My favorite quality in a truly good friend is one that knows how important it is to keep it real, you know?
(ooooh, ur biffles just got pwned!)